May 16, 2002
Ok. After that little bit

Ok. After that little bit of ranting down below, as well as some ranting to some people online, I feel much much better. Plus That's Entertainment, the comic book/anime/hobby store near my house, is having a big sale on all their anime tapes. All the new ones are $10. People who know me IRL, I'm taking requests. You just have to pay me back. Yes, before you ask, they have Saber Marionette J videos. Now I just have to wait until I get my allowence this week, and I have enough to buy a nice shiny new video for myself. CLAMP Campus Detectives looks mildly promising - cute, CLAMP, and mystery. I used to be a total mystery addict when I was in third and fourth grade. Still am....although I like to think that my tastes have matured past Nancy Drew stuff ^^