August 27, 2002
Back from the evilness that

Back from the evilness that is school. The weather was nice today, and the teachers I met so far seem pretty good. Those were the only two good things. Our schedule must be the most screwed up schedule in the world, our building looks like its about to fall to pieces, I have to take a half an hour bus ride both ways this year, and we got a whole bunch of homework on the first day. And some of you might know some of the problems Tama and I were having at the end of last school year. I had hoped that they had gone and died over the summer. It seems they have not. Three months was bad enough, I can't go a whole year like this. *swears loudly* I am not in a very good mood at the moment. Although my rather dark mood inspired an almost equally dark new layout for Stardust. I'm pleased with how its coming along. Hopefully it'll be done by the end of next week or so. I'm terribly tired of that Akio layout...

Marion, I was talking about school friends there...I know you're my friend. I actually have a decent amount of friends outside of school, but only one real friend in school it seems -_- But thanks anyway ^^

YnM manga is calling me. As is my Math homework....