June 12, 2003

Finals are over. This means no more real work for the rest of the school year! *dances* ...You know, the all of three days left in the school year.

Anyway. First things first....<3 <3 Lisa. Why? You shall find out after Shoujocon ^^

Second. <3 <3 <3 <3 my dad. We get to visit these two in October. Going to be sooo much fun.

I also got work done on my Lupin costume today ^^ Dark brown overrobe is half done. Sleeves and hemming left on it ^^;

...Is it sad that I feel the need for a new layout already? Something green...I've been in a green mood the last few days. I love the color green, it always makes me feel more alive...it's the color of growing things. This is why I love Ireland, and tend to be a lot less depressed in spring and summer. Love green. So, yes, possible new layout if anything strikes my fancy...maybe CCS, as I haven't done a CCS layout since Christmas.