January 31, 2004

Random photo goodness for various people ^^

Shi - Scratchy can be found in the group family photo here, being held by my younger brother, and somewhat asleep here. Awww, isn't he cute ^^

C, they are out to get you ^^ FEAR.

Marina, here's the design sketch I was talking to you about. It's not really well-scanned or drawn, I'm sorry, although you're free to ask me what the hell everything is, if you'd like.

Also, presenting my insane cookie decorating skills (Can you tell who they're all supposed to be ^^?), and the Cake From Space. Chris and Grace and I made it last weekend, and Chris was like, "Let's make the frosting green!". So we did, and it tasted quite nice, even if it's scary looking.

Speaking of Chris, he is so damn cute ^^

That's it for now ^^