February 24, 2004
In Which I Do Intresting Things With Mardi Gras Beads.

So, today. We played badmiton in gym, which was so much fun, as it's sort of the sissy English version of tennis ^^ Emily and I discovered we make a great team, and kicked ass. And she and Anthony know a lot more about mixed drinks than I think most 15-year-olds probably should >.> Then I came home, and managed to get all the buttonholes for the cording. I also got some work done on my Master Sword, so I'm generally rather pleased with myself on that front. After that, got dragged to a pancake supper, which really sucked, aside, as the subject says, from getting bored and twisting my string of Mardi Gras beads into this neat little choker. My mood was slightly improved, however, by coming home and talking to Marina on the phone for an hour, which seemed a lot shorter than that ^^

Also, made this yesterday. Skuld's fault, and I'm offering it up for anyone on my friendslist on LJ, but it was funny enough to add it here ^^

Because we all have someone we want out of the fandom