October 24, 2005

And insomnia strikes again. So more random introspective crap - stuff that's been floating through my head over the last few months, although it came to the surface the other day in a conversation I was having with Ari.

I have a great big streak of protector in me. Not really the mothering sort, 'cause I totally fail at that, but the kind of person I want to be in a relationship is the gentleman, the knight in shining armor, the refuge. Which I think is what occasionally gets me into trouble, because I can't live up to that ideal all the time.

I think this definately influences the types of pairings and characters I like and identify with, too. If you look at some of my favorites - Hamlet/Horatio, Cain/Riff, Auron/Braska, Clow/Yue - they've all got that sort of master/guardian dynamic in them, although in different forms. And the characters I identify the most strongly with - notably Horatio and Riff, there - are definately the protectors in the relationship.

And I've really got no idea where I'm going with all this...just thoughts, really.

On a total tangent, I feel like taking icon requests again. Anybody want one?