November 22, 2005
Life Mocks Me.

I just spent something like three hours straight working on Java code. I science is not a good career choice. Mostly because I feel like gouging my eyes out right now or something.

There are also people from the oil company who have been here at least that long. I would like them to hurry the hell up, finish installing the new boiler or whatever, and leave. In part so I can have heat again, and in part because I am the only one in the house right now, and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Also, they are listening to shitty radio stations, and the house smells like oil.

I think I can also pretty much guarantee I'm not getting into MIT or Brown - got my scores back from my second round of the SAT I, and I only did ten points better in math (690), and fifty points worse in Critical Reading (750). I am also pulling a C average or so in Calc 2.

...Zuh. I am so dead today. I think I may find some food and watch tv or something.