March 6, 2006
Dream City

So, last night proved that staying up way too late does weird things, although in the best way possible. Fell alseep around seven after staying up talking to Anna for a few hours, and had a dream of this city. There was a big plaza, with shops around it - I don't remember other people being there. Overheard, there was a low, solid cover of light grey clouds - it almost looked like a very high ceiling. In amoung the clouds, I could see the silhouette of a giant archway - it looked liked it was probably stone. The ends were all smooth, but the center portion of the arch was all rubbley. It was rather awe-inspiring, if hard to properly describe.

And now, for the daily Resident Evil ramble. Alfred is now in contention with Steve for the title of 'Ultimate RE n00b', mostly because Ben and I learned today that he does what we refer to as the n00b laugh. It's this really obnoxious, mocking laugh that Ben and his friends do a lot - you kind of have to hear it to understand XD; But Alfred does it. And wow, is he crazy. Also, Wesker showed up! Finally. Although, I have to admit that I like his voice in remake better. The British accent isn't bad, but I really loved the more accentless-but-perfect-enunciation he had going in remake. He is still a snappy dresser, though. And I am willing to accept the hair because Jo pointed out that unlike basically every single Final Fantasy character ever, his hair actually makes sense - he was a research scientist before becoming the leader of S.T.A.R.S. and then moving on to, as far as I can tell, found and run his own evil megacorporation (although he still found time to experiment on himself along the way - go, Wesker-superpowers!). And hair that stays out of your face is good in such situations.

Also, for the 'Cocoa Is An Idiot' file - I decided to do some more wood-carving on the Masamune. In my room. And then my vacuum decided it didn't like wood-shavings, and it took me almost as long to clean up the mess as it took to make it.