April 15, 2006
More Fun At Squall's Expense

Irvine: It's okay, we all know you're socially inept, Squall!
Squall: ...Remind me to kill you later.

Cid: Everyone, Squall is your new leader!
Squall: ...Noooooo *sob*

Squall finally grew a personality, and I have to say, I'm really liking it so far. Bit like Asher, although he actually thinks things through. And Nocturne came today, so there will probably be ramblings on that interspersed with the FF8, although I think I'm still at the 'Wha...?' stage of Nocturne-plot.

And I decided last night that the Sprawl would make a great RP setting, and then spent half of my shift at work (I got called in the middle of breakfast by a co-worker who was sick, ugh) working out various details of said RP in my head, despite the fact that it is not actually going to happen. And I totally need a job I don't completely hate. Whiny loud small children argh.