June 10, 2006
Random Fic Things

Why do I keep shifting into present-tense when I try to write fic? I think this may be Tseng's fault, as for some reason Midgar-verse stuff works really well in present tense, and I've had a bit of Tseng-fic floating around in my head for a while. Unfortunately, this doesn't work so well for RE crack-threesome fanfic. Claire/Ada/Leon FTW. Also, three-way conversations where nobody can actually see anybody else are hard to write.

And I ate a whole bag of marshmallows, and now I'm really, really awake. And still hungry, too. And while the remixed Axel/Roxas FST is really, really good, I shouldn't be listening to it on repeat, because I've had it stuck in my head all week already.