January 5, 2007

It's near impossible to find info on summer internships in Canada, and the ones I _can_ find are all government, and I am thus ineligble for them as I'm not a citizen or permanent resident. I'm expecting the main body of the university to be equally useless, because Co-op is the internship program, pretty much, and I'm not eligi8ble for that until after second year. There's extensive lists of US stuff, including about fifteen different positions here in Massachusetts, but I really don't want to live here over the summer.

I wish I hadn't left my MISA mentor's e-mail address back in my dorm. I think I could definately use some advice from someone with more experience in science than me, and who's more connected, too.

(Oh, and the pants were too damned big. I can't delude myself out of it, I'm going to have to buy another pair)