April 28, 2007
Thoughts on Packing

Packing everything now is a lot easier than it was in August. Probably in part because there's no questions of 'Okay, so what exactly am I bringing?' It all has to go, it's just a question of where - I've aquired a lot more stuff since packing last August, and not a whole lot of extra bags to put it all in. I figure if worse comes to worst, I'll stuff things in some big plastic shopping bags and toss them in my laundry basket. I've got two options for places starting Tuesday, care of Craigslist and some friends willing to lend me some money until I can get all my financial stuff properly sorted.

I keep vaguely considering making some deep introspective end-of-the-year post, but every time I have free time I end up either reading Naruto scanlations or watching Project Runway. Which I suppose says something, although I'm not sure quite what. Anyway, something to keep you all entertained while I do something about the fact that my room looks like a tornado ran through it - this is hilarious.