May 17, 2007
Cyberpunk Music Recs?

I'm working on a playlist of background music for our Shadowrun games - I was insipired by our GM, who spent about three hours yesterday afternoon making one for last night's game (he's unemployed at the moment, and has a looot of free time on his hands). I've actually got a pretty decent selection put together from my own files, but I'd love suggestions and new music. My biggest problem is that I listen to a lot of industrial, most of which a little too heavy to run Shadowrun to. 'Verse is pretty Sprawl-inspired (much as they try to deny it) although with some magic thrown in. Uploads would be loved, as care of shitty internet it's hard for me to track things down, although I'm happy with just names.

Character stuff and real life what-not to come later - I've only got twenty minutes before I need to leave if I want to actually eat lunch before work.