May 17, 2009
Even More Things Cocoa Doesn't Like

So the original installments are four years old now, but I am feeling all crankypants today, so why not.

-Getting to work only to discover that I am not actually working today (sounds awesome, but I have an hour commute each way, so that was two hours of my day I could have still been asleep)
-My job in general (it leaves me sore and exhausted every day - too bad the economy is shit and it pays pretty well)
-Having to listen to my landlord's easy listening jazzy shit (his sound system > my sound system, so blocking it out would wake up my sleep deprived roommate)
-Sleeping badly (it was okay during the school year, but the last two weeks? Ugh)
-Washing dishes by hand (wet food bits make me go UGH UGH UGH *flail*)
-My flakey roommate (who still hasn't decided if he's staying for the whole summer or not)

Okay, going to attempt to channel my grumpiness into cleaning, because the house is a mess (still), and I am hoping to find the missing glove.