November 1, 2009
Halloween '09

-Zombies were a success!
-So was the fudge and marshmallows.
-A+ comment of the evening from Julie, when I showed up with my hair slicked back: "OH MY GOD ARE YOU ZOMBIE RUFUS?!" Tragically no, although that'd be an awesome costume
-Best costume, by far, of the night - the guy who dressed as George Harrison, came with a nice classic electric guitar, and played Beatles songs all night.
-Watching a shirtless man in leggings and a luchadore mask singing Rock Band songs at the top of his lungs is awesome

My plan for the rest of the night is to upload and edit camera images, and zen out to the sounds of my roommate playing Katamari Forever while I read more Nabari no Ou and get something to eat that isn't packed with sugar~